The artwork of Siobhan Alcaide

Fish to water. Shibby to art.

REPOST: Girls need cute things, Or else they’ll die September 4, 2010

Today’s small repost comes courtesy of some Quest Crew fangirl-ism a couple of years back.

In other news: watch Scott Pilgrim.  It’s pure and refined awesomeness.



Yet another piece of Quest Crew fan art.  But this one is more about Siobhan I think….

The title sums it up…

But yes, Lydia is the grabbing onto all the chibis.  Victor is on the left.  Feng is draggin Steve in the background.  Hok is yelling for Ryan.  Lydia is manhandling Hirano and D-trix.  Ryan is having a mental breakdown in the right corner.



Color Me Quest: Ryan August 26, 2009

UPDATE: Shib has had to start watermarking the Color Me Quests.  Seems that some upscrupulous folks have been reposting them after cutting off the logo and signature.  So please, at least let it be known that Siobhan has made this series.  Struggling artists shouldn’t be robbed!


Part 2 of 4 in the Color Me Quest series is Ryan.  Hok and Victor still to come.

Again, the original can be found on Siobhan’s deviantART (link on right).


To My Destiny June 26, 2009


A lil more quest fan art today.  Based on a poem by Ryan, Shib made this collage.


:) because doodles are just as important as finished pieces June 13, 2009


SHIBBY HERE posting for today XD

soo…. me and my friend chess tend to do crazy stuff together like spending all day in queues… and… whilst in the queue for Fall Out Boy, i doodled.

I thought I’d share a few of my doodles with you, to have a little break from my nice finished pieces. This set of 3 took me about 10-20 minutes to do (i was in hysterics whilst drawing coz i was soooo cold waiting in line for so long) It is me and the other girlies i was with at the time being absolute fan girls XD

will put up work from the past year from monday onwards mmkay? mix in my other works with the anime/manga/cute stuff ^_^

^_^ thank you everyone who likes my stuff 😀 its people like you who keep me motivated and determined to better myself everyday! WOO!

peace, love and happiness to all ~ shib